Concert update
The first concert for 2024 is on Sunday 9 June, ”Autumn Splendour'”. Online bookings have now closed. Please email for ticket availability
We have another concert planned for 2024: Sunday 24 November. All concerts start at 3 pm and are held in the Weston Community Hub Neighbourhood Hall, Corner of Hilder and Gritten Streets, Weston.
The Brindabella Orchestra (formerly known as the U3A Orchestra) is an activity of the University of the Third Age, ACT. The Orchestra was established to provide a musical outlet for orchestral musicians in a relaxed and friendly environment. The Orchestra aims to present three public concerts a year, generally in May, August and November.
Orchestra members come from many backgrounds: people returning to their instruments after a long break, enthusiastic late starters, good amateurs, music students and retired musicians, all sharing a love of orchestral performance.
We welcome new members, in particular players aged fifty and above as these are eligible to join U3A ACT The Orchestra also recruits younger players where necessary to provide a good balance of instruments.
We are also interested in recruiting younger players to extend the range of instrumentalists available to the Orchestra and to strengthen its instrumental sections to enable the Orchestra to perform more varied repertoire. We have vacancies for experienced string and brass players — experienced or returning to playing or have been learning for a while.
For details on membership go to our Joining page.
Music & Performances
The Orchestra aims to perform three concerts a year, generally in May, August and November. The concerts are held on Sunday afternoon, generally at the Weston Neighbourhood Hall.
The Orchestra plays mainly classical music with some lighter pieces selected from popular musicals. The repertoire is chosen to fit the capabilities of the players and instrumental make-up of the orchestra at the time.
Information on past performances, including repertoire, please see Concerts.
For any queries use this link to send us an email using this link